Q Ball explains my extended absence

Q BallI’m trying to be a little more diligent with my blog but it seems that I have difficulties writing things everyday. I’m trying, so to those of you that still visit this site periodically, I thank you and stick with it.

Part of the reason for my extended absence is that I finally got a job and have been working full time and then spending the rest of my time working with the newly created Q Hall of Fame. It’s an organization set up to recognize Canadians that have made significant contributions to the LGBT community. Every year it recognizes a few Canadians at an annual Q Ball. This year was the first year and I was asked to help the board of directors to help with the execution of the event. Yes, I did another event!

This time around I took on the Public Relations, Media and Communications portfolio and was responsible for drumming up community and media support for the event. Given that the Ball was wonderfully successful in terms of media recognition and coverage, I think I did fairly well! We had stories in the Vancouver Courier, the Vancouver Sun, the Globe and Mail and most major newspapers picked up the story written by Canadian Press writer Terri Theodore.

In addition, CBC Early Edition interviewed Q Hall of Fame chairperson Paul Therien and if I could have found someone who speaks French, we would have had a segment on CBC Radio Canada.

The Ball itself was magical. In attendance were drag entertainer Symone and Q Ball Recipients Joan-E, Mark Tewksbury, Janine Fuller (of Little Sister’s fame), Hedy Fry (who accepted the Q Hall of Fame award on behalf of Pierre Elliot Trudeau), and Coun. Ellen Wordsworth along with many others. The room was designed to feel and look like a chic lounge and Kim, our venue coordinator extraordinaire, succeeded magnificently with the white leather chaise lounges, tallboy tables and pink pillar lighting. During the reception, we listened to the crystal voice of Heidi Ackermann with her accompanist Roy Campbell.

Throughout the evening, the staff was on hand to provide various hors d’oeuvres and I couldn’t get enough of the Smoked Salmon swirls. However, being the details person that I am, I hardly sat down long enough to drink the G and T’s that my stylishly-dressed boyfriend provided me. He was gorgeous, right down to the new roper boots that he wore under his double-vented, peak lapel, pinstriped suit with flat front trousers. For those of you who know suits, you will appreciate the details.

In 6 short weeks, we managed to make an incredible impact and I can’t wait to start working towards next year’s Q Ball. We still have so much to do in terms of establishing our NPO and nomination process, but the Board is geared up and ready to put the wheels in motion.

Posted on 25 September 2009, in Commentary, Insight and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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